There’s nothing quite like an election year to spice things up. Two different congressional forays into the wireless business came to light yesterday, one from each party and both leave one wishing Congress had something better to do. Oh wait, actually it has a long list of things it isn’t actually willing or able to do. But I digress.
Democratic congressman Heath Shuler led a group of 15 which sent a letter to President Obama asking him to approve the AT&T/T-Mobile merger. I say ‘sent’ and not ‘wrote’ because it’s is pretty obvious who actually drafted this letter. It takes a team of corporate lawyers to claim a $39B consolidation will “create somewhere between 55,000 and 96,000 new jobs to integrate the two networks and upgrade facilities”. I mean seriously, nobody else can say that with a straight face, even a congressman. Ok, maybe a presidential candidate could do it too, but you get my point.
Meanwhile, on the other side of the aisle, Ohio Rep. Michael Turner is asking for an investigation. Apparently, he thinks that Obama was the puppetmaster behind the creation of LightSquared, with irregular processes and suspect campaign donations aimed at subverting the GPS industry and destroying America. Or maybe it’s just influence-peddling in Washington with campaign contributions leading to letters and back room handshakes (Really? They still do that there?). Even more likely Turner is reading the tea leaves to mean that LightSquared is doomed and this is an opportunity to publicly pin it on someone in advance.
I can’t believe I’m saying this, but let’s just let the FCC and DOJ handle this stuff ok? They’re doing a fine job of mucking it all up themselves, no help needed.
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Categories: Government Regulations · Wireless
Seems like the only certainty coming from D.C. is that we are destined for “un”-certainty….
Been in over 16 mergers and never seen jobs added all ways less. Maybe after the smoke and mirrors games are done you make see jobs but that was after the downsize done. Lets hope that someone’s money or what evern favors doesn’t win .