Roundup 8/4: MegaPath, Neutral Tandem, Integra, Comcast, NTT

August 4th, 2011 by · Leave a Comment

News has been thick this week, time to catch up on a few items that are worth a quick look.

MegaPath has been running a Tech Talk video contest this summer, in which IT professionals are invited to submit videos turning high tech jargon into humor.  They are taking submissions through August 12, but they have a nice crop of videos already available to peruse.  My favorite, hands down is The Seniors.  MegaPath also announced a nice deal this week with Modell’s Sporting Goods.  They will be using Megapath’s MPLS backbone and VPN services to support VoIP and data across 150 locations across the East Coast and Mid-Atlantic regions.

tndm has deployed a PSX softswitch from Sonus Networks (NASDAQ:SONS, news, filings) in Telehouse UK’s Docklands North facility in London, allowing carrier customers to interconnect with either TDM or SIP.  Neutral Tandem has been steadily increasing the international reach of its voice network since acquiring Tinet last year.

Out west, Integra Telecom has expanded its Ethernet services portfolio further.  They are adding Ethernet over Copper capabilities to more than 120 central offices across their network, and plan to increase available data rates up toward 100Mbps in time. They also offer EoTDM which is now available in 300 central offices.  Integra has been moving aggressively lately to take better advantage of its fiber footprint by increasing its focus on larger enterprises than in the past.

And in the state of Washington, Comcast Business chimed in with a Metro Ethernet win at the state public affairs network TVW, which is sort of like C-SPAN for state government.  Comcast will be providing them with a 30Mbps Ethernet Private Line services between their media center in Olympia and the University of Washington for distribution by satellite statewide.  They had previously been using a T1, and expect to save $12,000 annually via the new connection.  Comcast Business has only recently begun to push its Metro Ethernet capabilities in a big way.

NTT Communications (NYSE:NTT, news, filings) announced yet another milestone in the growth of the transpacific leg of its Tier 1 backbone, reaching 500Gbps in all.  NTT bought the PC-1 cable a couple of years ago, and has used it to bolster its infrastructure and power its expansion.  They hit 300Gbps in February of 2010 and 400Gbps 11 months later in January of this year, so hitting 500Gbps in just 7 months suggests an acceleration.

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Categories: CLEC · Ethernet · Undersea cables · VoIP

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