As longtime readers know, in addition to map links I keep track of metro route miles and fiber-fed building counts for all companies in the sector for whom I can find such data, which is most of the competitive providers but thus far not the ILECs and the cable MSOs (with one or two exceptions). I last updated my list over the Christmas break, and thus it is time to do it again. Thus if you know of fiber out there that ought to be on my list but isn’t, or of inaccuracies that could be corrected – please send them along!
Lots of fiber has changed hands in the past year and a half, which both simplifies and complicates matters. One thing is for sure though, there is an awful lot of building going on – the private equity money that came in last year has been finding its way into expansion projects all over. Also, I have focused only on US markets until now, but I have been actively trying to expand the list to include data from around the world. Fewer companies abroad publish such data (at least that I’ve found so far), but I have finally been making some progress – especially in Canada and a bit in Hong Kong and maybe Europe. In a week or two I will publish the updated list.
Another project I am considering is an effort to track the EoC buildout efforts that have been proliferating by counting the number of enabled and planned central office colocations, as this seems to be how companies are describing the extent of their coverage. But data on actual connections or revenue derived or some other direct measurement of success in selling the stuff would probably not be available, though definitely desirable. I would welcome any advice on the matter.
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Categories: Ethernet · Metro fiber
Hi Scott, Here is our link to which central office have ethernet over copper (aka Ethernet First Mile).
p.s. you registering a new account in wordpress does not work.