Upstart intercity financial network operator Spread Networks (news) has taken out the hedge clippers again, cutting another millisecond off of its low latency wavelength offering between the New York and Chicago metro areas. The new SLA’d number is 14.75ms, down from the 15.75ms they have been touting over the last six months, with measured performance of 14.6ms. The new number applies to all four of Spread’s New Jersey endpoints of Carteret, Secaucus, Newark and Weehawken – which are of course not all that far from each other. They’ve been adding such endpoints steadily over the past quarter or two and will probably continue to do so.
And it appears that they already have a customer either reselling it or building very similarly off the dark fiber service, as I noticed this item about One Source Networks. They are apparently offering sub 15ms between 350 Cermak, Chicago to 755 Secaucus, NJ. Sounds awfully familiar, and of course there are no other fiber routes this direct that I know of – so we can be pretty sure what route those bits are traveling on. One Source Networks is also offering an evergreen clause, promising to stay on top of the speed race by 200 microseconds.
Obviously some new equipment configuration is in place, taking the bar down a peg, as the dark fiber service’s latency is still 13.33ms. Anybody know what was done to knock out a full millisecond?
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Categories: Internet Backbones · Low Latency
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