More Network Maps: Canada and Transpacific Cables

September 9th, 2010 by · 4 Comments

I have returned to my collections of network maps with two new pages added to the set covering Canada and Transpacific Cables.  Now when it comes to Canada, I don’t claim to be an expert.  So I’m really looking for input from readers to fill out the table a bit more.  Also, finding online maps for transpacific cables can be a bit difficult, especially for the older ones like TPC-5, so again please chime in if you have a link that ought to be there or even an image I can host.

I also took some time to go through all my intercity network map collections looking for broken links.  I think I repaired them all, but there will inevitably be more as companies rework their websites, get acquired, or in one or two cases just vanish without a trace.  What’s left?  To complete the set I suppose I will have to take a swing at the hardest target:  Africa.  That will start with the new cables that have been built lately, after which I guess I’ll see who announced connectivity to them and hunt for a map from there.

Any other areas that need a map collection?

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Categories: Information · Internet Backbones

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4 Comments So Far

  • Hi Rob

    Thanks for sharing these links. I wrote a blog post recently on the same topic and was amazed at the response I received with links to broadband maps from across the globe:

    I’ll be certainly be adding yours to the list.

    Keep on mapping!


    • Rob Powell says:

      Yes, it’s amazing how many people out there enjoy just browsing maps. These map collections draw more page views over time than anything else I’ve put on this site.

  • Anon says:

    It may be easier just to collaborate with Greg Mahlknecht ( It would be just awesome if the terrestrial maps got integrated onto his map.

    • Rob Powell says:

      The difficulty there is that the terrestrial maps have so many PoPs and such wildly different geographical scales. Putting them on the same map like Greg does (beautifully) for undersea cables would be extremely difficult and probably not that useful visually. That being said, I am actively thinking of what might be a good way to interface with such maps visually in some unified way.

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