The Air Force Seems to Like TW Telecom

September 11th, 2009 by · 1 Comment

Fiber and data provider TW Telecom (NASDAQ:TWTC, news, filings) has been selected to provide voice and data services to Peterson Air Force Base in Colorado Springs, which is the home to NORAD, the 21st Space Wing, Air Force Space Command, and the United States Space Command.  The company will supply both voice and data services over 5 years to the tune of $1.4M, hooking up the base to its extensive metro network in the region.  

Now, $1.4M isn’t huge, but it’s part of a pattern.  Just a few weeks ago TW Telecom was awarded a similar contract for Lackland Air Force Base in San Antonio, and late last year there was Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton.  It is abundantly clear that the company is targeting this sort of opportunity, and proud of it – even if the deals aren’t sexy or cutting edge.  And that’s what TW Telecom does best, blocking and tackling, quietly but steadily growing revenues contract by contract.

It’s still too quiet in Littleton though, much too quiet.  The better they get at their internal operations with EBITDA margins now edging toward the high 30s and with organic growth holding steady through an ugly recession, the more it becomes clear what they might be able to do inorganically if the right opportunity presents itself.  I don’t know what they’re waiting for, CEO Larissa Herda is apparently much more patient than I am…

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Categories: Metro fiber

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  • carlk says:

    Interesting points when considering the most paltry size of these contracts. Either twtc is giving away the store which others including (3) are unwilling to do, or (3)’s BOD’s haven’t the clout, respect, or sales strength to earn their quarterly give me’s that continue to be larger due to extremely low stock prices:

    James O. Ellis Jr.

    Admiral Ellis has been a director of the company since March 2005. He is the former commander of the United States Strategic Command at Offutt Air Force Base in Nebraska, where he had global responsibility for strategic warning systems, integrated missile defense, space operations, and other critical national defense functions. Prior to that, he served as commander in chief of U.S. naval forces in Europe and as commander in chief of Allied forces in southern Europe. He is a graduate of the U.S. Naval Academy and holds master’s degrees in aerospace engineering and aeronautical systems from the Georgia Institute of Technology and the University of West Florida. He also serves on the board of Lockheed Martin Corporation. Admiral Ellis is the Chairman of the Nominating and Governance Committee.

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