Ok, we’ve let the dust settle for a couple days since Julius Genachowski’s proposed network neutrality rules came out. The readers of this blog come from all segments of the telecom and internet infrastructure sectors, and it would be interesting to see exactly what we all think of this rather than letting journalists and bloggers endlessly spin right, left, and round and round. So what say you, readers?
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Categories: Government Regulations · Old · Polls
When are we as Americans going to wake up. This net-neutraility is just another piece of Obama Socialism. Verizon risks capital to build out their networks and here comes big brother giving it free of charge to all the big government butt kissers. Yes sir Americans, do nothing and big brother will take care of you.. God help us, wake up and smell the roses before it is too late.
If we are talking about the Internet Freedom 2009 bill, we need this. My cable company advertises high speed service .. up to platinum 10 mb/s. The catch is that I can only watch about 40 minutes of netflix per day because they cap it at 50 gb per month. Go past that and they suspend your service. If the internet is truley going to develop people will need to be able to use the applications that are available. Gaming, youtube, netflix, ect. will not work as long as ISP’s are capping (transfer caps). If the long haul pipes are going to get used, we sure need some regulation to stop the “last mile” folks from limiting bandwidth use. Netflix streaming uses up to 2.5 gig per hour. That would allow uses to watch less than 40 minutes of streaming video per month. Many people want to watch programming/content online because you can get almost everthing online these days. Cable co’s certainly don’t want people to quit paying for both services … so they will drag their feet in order to milk old tech at the expense of the consumer, economic progress, and the advent of technology. This Bill addresses this issue. Without it we will spend the next 10 years floundering while the rest of the world continues to pass us by in this space.
I don’t see how you can legislate anything further than full disclosure. At least in any effective manner.
Several short posts I thought were apropos here, concerning a bogus TW 50/5 broadband ad that was eventually yanked: