Friday Roundup: Digital Realty, Frontier, TELEHOUSE, and Congress

September 17th, 2009 by · Leave a Comment

Data Center property developer Digital Realty Trust (NYSE:DLR, news, filings) has made a major move in the Dallas market, taking a 60% stake in the Collins Technology Center in Richardson, Texas.  In short, it includes 7 buildings totaling just under 800,000 square feet of space, and a 40MW power substation that can be expanded to 125MW.  Data Center Knowledge has more detailed information here.  Digital Realty intends to have it ready for the market in early 2010.    The deal is more evidence that the datacenter space is now finding the resources available to start humming along again.

Frontier Communications (NYSE:FTR, news, filings) is the latest telecom to access the credit markets.  They are looking for $450M to help fund the refinance of some $700M in 2011 and 2013 debt.  If recent financings are any guide, we will hear tomorrow that they have raised more than that.  Frontier of course is preparing itself to take over a pile of Verizon’s rural assets, hopefully with more success than FairPoint Communications (news, filings).

Data center and IT services provider TELEHOUSE America announced the launch of its ubiquitous IP Transit services and the availability of its Global Interlink US-Europe Ethernet connectivity.  The ubiquitous IP transit services are a blend of several IP backbones, and will be available in most major datacenters – not just in TELEHOUSE facilities.  I don’t know much about TELEHOUSE, but since they are making a push in the US market I’ll have to keep an eye on them.

And last and probably least…  In Washington, the Democrats are telling the FCC to do more for the cause of network neutrality.  Powerful California Rep. Henry Waxman has thrown his weight behind a bill that would prevent ISPs from blocking or prioritizing content legal content.  No surprise on the sentiment there, but it’s all just blatant posturing right now so who cares.  I don’t think anyone actually wants to pass such a law, what they want is to use the threat of passing such a law to get Julius Genachowski’s attention and make sure they don’t have to.  At least, I hope that’s the case.  There are of course real regulatory issues to discuss, Paul Kouroupas over on the Global Crossing blogs has some nice commentary.

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Categories: Datacenter · Financials · Government Regulations · ILECs, PTTs

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