Today I am introducing the Telecom Ramblings Event Calendar. I follow lots of different events in the telecom and internet infrastructure sectors, enough that I often lose track of them, whether it be the who, when, or where. I always wind up wading through many pages to get back to the link I need, or to find out just what time that conference call was supposed to start. There’s just no central location for such information. Lately I’ve begun tracking these events in Google Calendar, and it has helped.
Then it occurred to me though that such a calendar would work well for a group, and in fact might be useful to readers of this blog. The idea is simple. The calendar is public. If you know of an event that would be interesting to readers of this blog and you use Google Calendar or anything else compatible, you can invite and your event will show up. The calendar is available from all pages via the “Events” item in the top menu, and if you click on any item in the calendar the details will pop up. Links are encouraged. Events can be anything relevant, e.g. tradeshows, technology conferences, investor calls, happy hours.
I have no idea if this will catch on, but I personally will be using it to keep track of things regardless. I have begun to populate next week’s days, e.g. with the UBS Global Media and Communications conference and conference calls at Ciena, Global Crossing GCUK, and Navisite. The rest of it is currently blank, but I will be filling it in over time.
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Categories: Information
Aarrgh, that email should have been – not The post has been repaired.
What if a network service offering, with physically un-tappable fiber based on Spatial Division Multiplexing – integrated with the digital security equivalence of Fort Knox, were offered as end-user opt-in service?
Creates lot of new jobs in OSP installation, creates a premium service offering and stands decent shot at impacting the common carrier business model in similar manner that Federal Express did to the common U.S. Postal carrier business model, yes?
Every single metro and dark fiber player can avail their plant to accommodate a useful portion of a global buildout and the coalescence of a large group could pull this off. The technology works, is patented, demonstrated at the Proof of Concept level and innovated from existing off-the-shelf telecom elements and just needs to be assembled piece by piece and each player owns their geographic area and equity stake in the global service provider that could be substantial.
How is this related to events?
Looks like spam aimed at spreading the link, albeit a very specific type of fiber spam that got through my filters.