Eric Bush of ThePlanet has a nice writeup of what a datacenter supervisor does every day. Since I have not yet had the pleasure of working inside one, I greatly appreciate the summary. At least, the summary of what a datacenter supervisor is *supposed* to do every day – where does the MMORPG gameplay come in? 🙂
But you know, I’d also like to know what else happens that doesn’t make it into the manuals. Like this example – while the website with the pictures doesn’t exist any longer, let’s just say it must not have been your average day on the job and I hope she brought a sweater. Surely one doesn’t do perimeter checks if nothing interesting ever happens on them? If anyone has a story to tell, send me a line and I’ll turn it into a Tales from the Field post – with names/places/etc properly obfuscated of course.
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Categories: Datacenter
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