The other day Ike Elliott over on Telecosm called for business VoIP providers to help him create a public central information listing for the sector. I think Ike is right, the entire sector is moving so quickly that even people within it don’t know what is going on. New business models are springing up, as are old ones in new clothes. Some are succeeding, some aren’t, but we can’t really say right now what is working and what is not because we can barely evevn classify what is out there.
I can’t think of a better person to be at the center of such an effort than Ike, considering his own role in the development of the softswitch and current independent bias. And I think we stand to gain alot in understanding a sector which is currently poorly understood. So if you’re a business VoIP provider of any type out there, do consider dropping Ike a line. If you do, I think you’ll get back more than you put in.
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