Now that’s a POP… Jubany Antarctic Base Communicates Via Global Crossing! I wish I could get the story from the guy from that truck-roll for Tales from the Field…
You can just hear the other carriers yelling from their nice warm offices in the USA and Europe: “Way to go! Yes of COURSE we’re right *cough* behind you!” Yes, I know it’s a satellite hookup, but if they laid fiber that would really be something though eh? It’s only another 500 miles off of Cape Horn to reach land down there… After all, once we melt all the ice that’s prime ocean front property down there.
Next maybe they’ll hook up a continent with actual population that they don’t yet reach? I mean, I can think of a couple… LOL Ok, I’ll stop now.
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Categories: Internet Backbones
This isn’t the most remote population Global Crossing’s network reaches–that would be Tristan da Cunha:
This connectivity is used for telemedicine, as well as everyday voice and data transmission: